Friday, March 21

Carolyn Amelia HIRTLER - b. 1885

Carolyn Amelia HIRTLER1 was born2 on 4 Apr 1885 in Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USA. She died2 on 25 Oct 1922 in Logan, Hocking, Ohio, USA. She was buried2 on 27 Oct 1922 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Logan, Hocking, Ohio, USA.
Carolyn was counted in a census3 in 1920 in , Hocking, Ohio, USA.
Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953,
Paul A. White in entry for Carolyn H White, 1922
Carolyn married1 (MRIN:227) Paul Alexander WHITE "Teck"1,4,5, son of Alexander Lycurgus WHITE and Angeline Eva NOBLE "Evangeline / Marmee" (MRIN:169), on 27 Nov 1912. Teck was born on 14 Apr 1885 in FairmountFairmount, Vermillion, Illinois, USA. He died on 3 Jun 1967 in Columbus, Saint Clair, Michigan, USA.
Teck was counted in a census6 in 1900 in Fairmount village, Vermilion, Illinois, USA. He was counted in a census7 in 1910 in Vance, Vermilion, Illinois, USA. He was counted in a census8 in 1920 in , Hocking, Ohio, USA. He was issued SSN 276-12-3573 9 in Michigan. He was counted in a census10 in 1930 in Hamden, Vinton, Ohio. He served in the military11 in 1942 in Baltimore, Fairfield, Ohio, USA.
Edgar Paul had his named changed to Paul Alexander.  Written records uniformly
refer to him as Paul Alexander.

Social Security Number: 276-12-3573

The state listed in the birth locality field
is where the Social Security Number was issued.

The zip code listed in the death locality field
is the last place of residence.

Death Residence Localities
ZIP Code: 48063
Columbus, Saint Clair, Michigan
Columbus Township, Saint Clair, Michigan
Columbus Twp, Saint Clair, Michigan

Appendix A  -  Sources

1    Charles P. White, The Research of Charles Phillip White.
2    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953 (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 27 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Paul A. White in entry for Carolyn H White, 1922." Name:         Carolyn H White
     Titles & Terms:   
     Event:      Death
     Event Date:        25 Oct 1922
     Event Place:       Logan, Hocking, Ohio
     Street Address:  
     Gender:    Female
     Death Age:         29y 6m 28d
     Marital Status:    Married
     Race:       White
     Occupation:        Housewife
     Birth Date:         
     Birthplace:          Columbus, Ohio
     Estimated Birth Year:     1893
     Burial Date:         27 Oct 1922
     Burial Place:        Logan, Hocking, Ohio
     Cemetery:          Oak Grove
     Father:     Chas.L. Hertler
     Father's Titles & Terms:
     Father's Birthplace:        Germany
     Mother:    Marry Lehman
     Mother's Titles & Terms:          
     Mother's Birthplace:       Ohio
     Spouse:    Paul A. White
     Spouse's Titles & Terms:         
     Reference Number:        fn 53762
     Film Number:       1992069
     Digital Folder Number:     4000532
     Image Number:    2641
     Source Citation
     "Ohio, Deaths, 1908-1953," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Paul A. White in entry for Carolyn H White, 1922.
3    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1920 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 27 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Caroline White in household of Paul White, , Hocking, Ohio." Name:     Caroline White
     Residence:          , Hocking, Ohio
     Estimated Birth Year:     1894
     Age:        26
     Birthplace:          Ohio
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Wife
     Gender:    Female
     Race:       White
     Marital Status:    Married
     Father's Birthplace:        Germany
     Mother's Birthplace:       Ohio
     Film Number:       1821399
     Digital Folder Number:     4384910
     Image Number:    00684
     Sheet Number:    7
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     SELF        Paul White     M       34y     Illinois
     WIFE        Caroline White          F        26y     Ohio
     SON         Paul C White M       6y      Illinois
     SON         Chas P White M       2y      Illinois
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Caroline White in household of Paul White, , Hocking, Ohio.
4    Family Tree user James R. Brown,
5    Social Security Death Index.
6    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, gsu film number:      1240349, 6 Jun 1900, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. enumeration district:    0099
     sheet number and letter: 8A
     household id:      175
     reference number:         4
     gsu film number:  1240349
     image number:     00000478

7    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, England and Wales Census, 1901 (FamilySearch; (, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. name:     Alexander P White
     birthplace:          Illinois
     relationship to head of household:        Son
     residence: Vance, Vermilion, Illinois
     marital status:     Single
     race :      White
     gender:    Male
     immigration year:
     father's birthplace:        Ohio
     mother's birthplace:       Indiana
     family number:     201
     page number:      10
          Household      Gender Age
     parent      Alexander L White     M       60y
     parent      Angeline E White       F        53y
     Leila White          F        32y
     Edna N White      F        31y
     Alexander P White          M       25y

8    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1920 United States Federal Census, 27 May 2012. ""United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Paul White, , Hocking, Ohio." Name:      Paul White
     Residence:          , Hocking, Ohio
     Estimated Birth Year:     1886
     Age:        34
     Birthplace:          Illinois
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Self
     Gender:    Male
     Race:       White
     Marital Status:    Married
     Father's Birthplace:        Ohio
     Mother's Birthplace:       Illinois
     Film Number:       1821399
     Digital Folder Number:     4384910
     Image Number:    00684
     Sheet Number:    7
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     SELF        Paul White     M       34y     Illinois
     WIFE        Caroline White          F        26y     Ohio
     SON         Paul C White M       6y      Illinois
     SON         Chas P White M       2y      Illinois
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Paul White, , Hocking, Ohio.
9    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, U.S. Social Security Death Index (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. first name:    Paul
     middle name:
     last name: White
     name suffix:
     birth date:          14 April 1885
     social security number:   276-12-3573
     place of issuance:         Ohio
     last residence:    Michigan
     zip code of last residence:        48063
     death date :       June 1967
     estimated age at death: 82

10   Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1930 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 27 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Paul A White, Hamden, Vinton, Ohio." Name:   Paul A White
     Event:      Census
     Event Date:        1930
     Event Place:       Hamden, Vinton, Ohio
     Gender:    Male
     Age:        44
     Marital Status:    Married
     Race:       White
     Birthplace:          Illinois
     Estimated Birth Year:     1886
     Immigration Year:         
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Head
     Father's Birthplace:        Ohio
     Mother's Birthplace:       Indiana
     Enumeration District Number:     0002
     Family Number:    189
     Sheet Number and Letter:         8A
     Line Number:       24
     NARA Publication:          T626, roll 1886
     Film Number:       2341620
     Digital Folder Number:     4661202
     Image Number:    00773
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     Head        Paul A White M       44      Illinois
     Wife         Estella H White         F        31      Ohio
     Son         Bruce D White          M       4        Ohio
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 May 2012), Paul A White, Hamden, Vinton, Ohio.
11   United States, World War II Draft Registration Cards, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. name:  Paul Alexander White
     event:      Military
     event date:        1942
     event place:       Baltimore, Fairfield, Ohio
     residence: Baltimore, Fairfield, Ohio
     gender:    Male
     birth date:          14 Apr 1885
     film number:        2243406
     digital folder number:      4151131
     image number:     02998