Monday, March 17

Caroline Sophia HILLMAN - b. 1901

Caroline Sophia "Carrie" HILLMAN1 was born on 20 Mar 1901 in RansomvilleNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA. She died on 28 Jun 1975 in St Mary's Hospital, Town of  LewistonNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA. She was buried on 30 Jun 1975 in North Ridge Cemetery, RansomvilleNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA.
New York, County Marriages, 1908-1935 for Charles Edw. Ortt & Carrie Hillman
Carrie was counted in a census2 in 1920 in Niagara, Niagara, New York, USA. She was counted in a census3 in 1930 in LewistonNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA.
Per the Town of Portwe birth records, her registered birth name is Carrie Sophia Hillman.  Previous versions of this family tree show her name as being Caroline Sophie Hillman.

Carrie married1 (MRIN:5854) Charles Edgar ORTT, son of Cyrus Norman ORTT and Catherine Ann GRAHAM (MRIN:5855), on 24 Nov 1918 in Niagara, Niagara, New York, USA. Charles was born on 24 Jan 1884 in Town of LewistonNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA. He died on 28 Jul 1964 in Ransomville General HospitalNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA. He was buried4 on 31 Jul 1964 in North Ridge Cemetery, RansomvilleNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA.
Charles was counted in a census2 in 1920 in Niagara, Niagara, New York, USA. He was counted in a census5 in 1930 in LewistonNiagara, Niagara, New York, USA.

Appendix A  -  Sources

1    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, New York, County Marriages, 1908-1935 (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. reference number:      rn 1430
     film number:        897559
     film frame number:
     digital folder number:      4477960
     image number:     438.
2    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1920 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. film number:  1821240
     digital folder number:      4442066
     image number:     00581
     sheet number:     8.
3    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1930 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 20 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 May 2012), Carrie Ortt in household of Charles Ortt, Lewiston, Niagara, New York." Name:      Carrie Ortt
     Event:      Census
     Event Date:        1930
     Event Place:       Lewiston, Niagara, New York
     Gender:    Female
     Age:        29
     Marital Status:    Married
     Race:       White
     Birthplace:          New York
     Estimated Birth Year:     1901
     Immigration Year:         
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Wife
     Father's Birthplace:        Germany
     Mother's Birthplace:       New York
     Enumeration District Number:     0009
     Family Number:    22
     Sheet Number and Letter:         1B
     Line Number:       87
     NARA Publication:          T626, roll 1617
     Film Number:       2341351
     Digital Folder Number:     4639165
     Image Number:    00173
          Household      Gender Age
     Spouse     Charles Ortt   M       40
          Carrie Ortt     F        29
     Child        Bertha Ortt    F        10
     Child        Gorden Ortt    M       8
     Child        Milford Ortt    M       6
     Child        James Ortt     M       4
     Child        Charlotte Ortt          F        2
     Child        Donald Ortt    M       0
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 May 2012), Carrie Ortt in household of Charles Ortt, Lewiston, Niagara, New York.
4    Compiled by: Find A Grave, Find A Grave (, 20 May 2012, Find A Grave, PO Box 522107, Salt Lake City, UT 84152-2107. "Created by: Jay Boone
     Record added: Jan 06, 2010
     Find A Grave Memorial# 46398707." Created by: Jay Boone
     Record added: Jan 06, 2010
     Find A Grave Memorial# 46398707.
5    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1930 United States Federal Census, 20 May 2012. ""United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 May 2012), Charles Ortt, Lewiston, Niagara, New York." Name:        Charles Ortt
     Event:      Census
     Event Date:        1930
     Event Place:       Lewiston, Niagara, New York
     Gender:    Male
     Age:        40
     Marital Status:    Married
     Race:       White
     Birthplace:          New York
     Estimated Birth Year:     1890
     Immigration Year:         
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Head
     Father's Birthplace:        New York
     Mother's Birthplace:       New York
     Enumeration District Number:     0009
     Family Number:    22
     Sheet Number and Letter:         1B
     Line Number:       86
     NARA Publication:          T626, roll 1617
     Film Number:       2341351
     Digital Folder Number:     4639165
     Image Number:    00173
          Household      Gender Age
          Charles Ortt   M       40
     Spouse     Carrie Ortt     F        29
     Child        Bertha Ortt    F        10
     Child        Gorden Ortt    M       8
     Child        Milford Ortt    M       6
     Child        James Ortt     M       4
     Child        Charlotte Ortt          F        2
     Child        Donald Ortt    M       0
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1930," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 May 2012), Charles Ortt, Lewiston, Niagara, New York.