Florence Ida HICKOX was born1,2 on 5 Apr 1862 in , Fulton, Ohio, USA.
She died2 on 7 Feb 1937 in Morenci,
Lenawee, Michigan, USA. She was buried2
in Oakwood Cemetery, Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, USA.
Florence was counted in a census3
on 4 Jun 1880 in Household 74-79, Wauseon, Fulton, Ohio, USA. She was counted
in a census4 on 9 Jun 1900 in
Household 239-254, 66 College Ave., Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, USA. She was
counted in a census5 on 27
Apr 1910 in 75 Michigan St., Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, USA. She was counted
in a census6 on 15 Jan 1920 in
Household 176-188, 613 Scott St., Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, USA.
NAME Flora /Hickox/
Name on 1870
census looks like Ida F., but difficult to dechiper handwriting.
Joseph, Mar 1847, 53, m21y, NY NY NY
Apr 1861, 39, mo2-2 liv., OH OH OH
son, May 1880, 20, OH OH OH
Lura B., dau,
Sep 1885, MI OH OH
Arthur, 26 m1, 1yr., MI NY MI, Laborer Roller Mill.
Lura, wife,
24, m2, 1yr., mo 2-2 living, MI PA OH
Thelma, 6, step-dau, MI MI MI
Joseph, 4,
son, MI MI MI
Florence, mo-in-law, 48, Wd., mo. 2-2 living OH MI MI
Male W 33
OH Brick Mason ---
Florrance WELLS Wife
M Female W
19 OH Keeping House OH
Son S Male
W 1M, May OH
--- OH
Otila JILLETT Other
W Female W 64
OH Dressmaker ---
Florence J., head, 58, OH US MI, Cook Knitting Mills
mother, 81, MI PA NY
Joesph, grandson, 14 MI MI MI
granddaughter, 16, MI MI MI, Laborer, Knitting Mills
Florence married7 (MRIN:1785) Joseph B. WELLS about 1879. Joseph was
born8,9 on 10 Mar 1847 in
Jamestown, James City, Virginia. He died8,9
on 1 Nov 1904 in Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, USA. He was buried8 in Oakwood Cemetery, Adrian, Lenawee,
Michigan, USA.
Joseph was
counted in a census10 in 1900 in
Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan, USA.
Florence also
married11 ( 2:MRIN:1938) Joseph D. WRIGGLESWORTH11 on 28 Feb 1923 in Adrian, Lenawee,
Michigan, USA.
Appendix A - Sources
Ancestral Quest
has generated index marks in this document that can be used to automatically
create an index.
The following
instructions are for Word 97. For other
RTF programs, consult their documentation for similar steps. (Some RTF
programs, such as WordPad, will not generate an index.)
1) Put your text
cursor where you want the index to appear (after these instructions)
2) From the
menu, select Insert -> Index and Tables
3) Make sure the
Index tab is selected and choose an Index Type and Format.
4) Click
Ok. The index should be generated at the
current text cursor position
5) Delete these
1 1870 United States Federal Census, State: Michigan~~County: LENAWEE~~Locale: SENECA TWP~~Series: M593~~Roll:
2 Compiled by: Find A Grave, Find A Grave
(http://www.findagrave.com/), 24 Jul 2012, Find A Grave, PO Box 522107, Salt
Lake City, UT 84152-2107. "Created by: Rebeccac2
Record added: Jun
30, 2011
Find A Grave
Memorial# 72271634." Created by: Rebeccac2
Record added: Jun
30, 2011
Find A Grave
Memorial# 72271634.
3 Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880
United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library;
FamilySearch; (http://familysearch.org)), 1880; Census Place: Wauseon, Fulton,
Ohio; Roll: T9_1017; Family History Film: 1, Family History Library, 35 North
West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440.
4 Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900
United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library;
FamilySearch; (http://familysearch.org)), 21 Jul 2012, Family History Library,
35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""United
States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MS9S-7SD : accessed 21 July 2012),
Florence I Wells in household of Joseph B Wells, ED 36 Adrian city Ward 3,
Lenawee, Michigan, United States." Name: Florence
I Wells
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Date: 1900
Event Place: ED 36 Adrian city Ward 3, Lenawee,
Michigan, United States
Birth Date: Apr 1861
Birthplace: Ohio
Relationship to Head
of Household: Wife
Father's Birthplace:
Mother's Birthplace:
Race or Color
(Standardized): White
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 21
Estimated Marriage
Year: 1879
Mother How Many
Children: 2
Number Living
Children: 2
Immigration Year:
Page: 11
Sheet Letter: B
Family Number: 254
Reference Number: 75
Film Number: 1240725
Digital Folder
Number: 004120237
Image Number: 00108
Gender Age Birthplace
Head Joseph B Wells M 53 New York
Wife Florence I Wells F 39 Ohio
Son Abraham F Wells M 20 Ohio
Daughter Lura B Wells F
15 Michigan
Source Citation
"United States
Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MS9S-7SD : accessed 21 July 2012),
Florence I Wells in household of Joseph B Wells, ED 36 Adrian city Ward 3,
Lenawee, Michigan, United States.
5 1910 United States Federal Census, State: Michigan~~County: LENAWEE~~Locale: 5-WD ADRIAN~~Series: T624~~Roll:.
6 1920 United States Federal Census, Adrian, Lenawee,
Michigan~~Roll: T625_780~~Page: 7A~~ED:
7 Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900
United States Federal Census, Michigan, Lenawee County, Roll 725 Book 1,
Page 52a.
8 Compiled by: Find A Grave, Find A Grave. Created by:
Record added: Jun
30, 2011
Find A Grave
Memorial# 72272433.
9 State of Michigan, Michigan Death Records, 1897-1920
(Library of Michigan; http://seekingmichigan.org), 16 Jun 2012, Library of
Michigan, 702 W. Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, MI 48915, E-mail:
librarian@michigan.gov. "The URL for this item is
http://seekingmichigan.org/u?/p129401coll7,545682." The URL for this item
is http://seekingmichigan.org/u?/p129401coll7,545682.
10 Compiled
by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900 United States
Federal Census, 21 Jul 2012. ""United States Census, 1900,"
index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MS9S-7S8
: accessed 21 July 2012), Joseph B Wells, ED 36 Adrian city Ward 3, Lenawee,
Michigan, United States." Name: Joseph
B Wells
Titles & Terms:
Event: Census
Event Date: 1900
Event Place: ED 36 Adrian city Ward 3, Lenawee,
Michigan, United States
Birth Date: Mar 1847
Birthplace: New York
Relationship to Head
of Household: Head
Father's Birthplace:
New York
Mother's Birthplace:
New York
Race or Color
(Standardized): White
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Years Married: 21
Estimated Marriage
Year: 1879
Mother How Many
Number Living
Immigration Year:
Page: 11
Sheet Letter: B
Family Number: 254
Reference Number: 74
Film Number: 1240725
Digital Folder
Number: 004120237
Image Number: 00108
Gender Age Birthplace
Head Joseph B Wells M 53 New York
Wife Florence I Wells F 39 Ohio
Son Abraham F Wells M 20 Ohio
Daughter Lura B Wells F
15 Michigan
Source Citation
"United States
Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch
(https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MS9S-7S8 : accessed 21 July 2012),
Joseph B Wells, ED 36 Adrian city Ward 3, Lenawee, Michigan, United States.
11 Compiled
by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Michigan, Marriages,
1868-1925 (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch;
(http://familysearch.org)), Family History Library, 35 North West Temple
Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. groom's name: Jos. D. Wrigglesworth
groom's race:
groom's age: 63 years
groom's birth date: 1860
groom's birthplace: Pennsylvania
bride's name: Florence I. Hickox Lowth
bride's race:
bride's age: 62 years
bride's birth date: 1861
bride's birthplace: Ohio
marriage type:
marriage date: 28 Feb 1923
marriage place: Adrian, Lenawee, Michigan
groom's father: Jos. Wrigglesworth
groom's mother: Mary A. Oats
bride's father: David Hickox
bride's mother: Lucy Ort
groom's marital
groom's previous
bride's marital
bride's previous
film number: 2342756
frame number:
digital folder
number: 4209978
image number: 237
reference number: v 5 p 11 rn 86.