Monday, July 16

Paul Baldwin b. 1892

First Generation

      1. Paul Baldwin  was born1  about 1892 in ,, New York, USA.

Paul was counted in a census2  in 1910 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA.


  1.  Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910 United States Federal Census  (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 8 Jul 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT, 84150-3440.""United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 July 2012), Paul Baldwin in household of Sylvester D Baldwin, Brooklyn Ward 7, Kings, New York."
  2.  Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910 United States Federal Census , 8 Jul 2012.""United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 July 2012), Paul Baldwin in household of Sylvester D Baldwin, Brooklyn Ward 7, Kings, New York."