Friday, March 14

Lenora M. HICKOX - b. 1859

Lenora M. HICKOX was born on 1 Nov 1859 in , , Michigan, USA. She died1,2 on 19 Jan 1933 in Seattle, King, Washington, USA.
Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925, Lenora M. Hickox, 1878
Lenora was counted in a census3 in 1860 in , Fulton, Ohio, USA. She was born4 in Nov 1862 in Michigan. She was counted in a census5 in 1880 in 2nd Ward, Houston, Houston, Texas, USA. She was counted in a census6 in 1900 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington, USA. She was counted in a census7 in 1910 in York, Sandusky, Ohio, USA. She was counted in a census8 on 11 Apr 1930 in Wichita, Kansas, USA.
Knight, Charles, 64, rents, 22 at first marriage, Michigan, Michigan, Michigan, Proprietor Box & Truck Co.
  Lily, wife, 63, 21 at first marriage, Michigan, United States, Germany
Joyce, Leonore, 68, widowed, Michigan, United States, Germany

Charles JOYCE   Self   M   Male   W   26   OH   R.R. Conducter   OH   OH
 Lenora JOYCE   Wife   M   Female   W   20   MI   Keeping House   MI   MI

Joyce, Charles A., 57, m1, 30y, OH PA ENG, Farmer
Leana M., 47, m1, 30y, mo 1-1, Michigan, not known,
Willis J?, 7, Washington, OH MI

Joyce, C. A., July 1854, 45, 27 at 1st mar., OH CT OH, Grocer
L. M., wife, Nov. 1862, 37, 21 at 1st mar.,  MI MI MI

Lenora married9,10,11 (MRIN:983) Charles A. JOYCE, son of Daniel L. JOYCE and Ester HUTCHINSON (MRIN:14821), on 25 Aug 1878 in Morenci, Lenawee, Michigan, USA. Charles was born12 in Jul 1854 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA. He died12 on 24 Jan 1927 in Covington, , St. Tammany, Louisiana, USA.
Charles was counted in a census13 in 1880 in Houston, Harris, Texas, USA. He was counted in a census14 in 1900 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington, USA. He was counted in a census7 in 1910 in York, Sandusky, Ohio, USA.

Appendix A  -  Sources

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1    State of Washington, Washington Death Certificated, 1907-1960, 28 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""Washington, Death Certificates, 1907-1960," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles Joyce in entry for Leona L. Joyce, 1933." Name:        Leona L. Joyce
     Death Date:        19 Jan 1933
     Death Place:       Seattle, King, Washington
     Gender:    Female
     Race (Displayed on Form):       
     Age at Death:     73 years 2 months 18 days
     Estimated Birth Year:     1860
     Birth Date:         
     Birth Place:        
     Marital Status:    Married
     Spouse's Name:   Charles Joyce
     Father's Name:   
     Father's Birth Place:      
     Mother's Name:  
     Mother's Birth Place:     
     Street Address:  
     Burial Place:       
     Burial Date:        
     Additional Relatives:      
     Film Number:       2023066
     Digital GS Number:         4221707
     Image Number:    1942
     Volume/Page/Certificate Number:         239
     Source Citation
     "Washington, Death Certificates, 1907-1960," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles Joyce in entry for Leona L. Joyce, 1933.
2    Washington State Death Certificate Index 1907-1960  (, 28 May 2012. "Record Series:    Death Records
     Collection:          Washington State Death Records
     County:    Statewide
     Source:" Record Series:     Death Records
     Collection:          Washington State Death Records
     County:    Statewide
     Da Reference Number:    {4E786B6F-7EE6-45A6-9992-810E8D3085E2}
     Image Number:    1942
     Document Number:        284
     Document Reference Id: 239
     Name:      Leona L. Joyce
     Date Of Death:    19 Jan 1933
     Age:        73
     Gender:    Female
     Batch Id: 276597
     Batch Locality:    Washington, United States
     Death Place:       Seattle, King, Washington
     Note Pr Name:     Mrs.
     Spouse Name:     Charles Joyce
3    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1860 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 25 Jul 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""United States Census, 1860," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 July 2012), Lenora Hickox, , Fulton, Ohio." Name:      Lenora Hickox
     Residence:          , Fulton, Ohio
     Ward:      Chesterfield
     Age:        0 years
     Estimated Birth Year:     1860
     Birthplace:          Ohio
     Gender:    Female
     Page:       92
     Family Number:    659
     Film Number:       803965
     DGS Number:       4282510
     Image Number:    00284
     NARA Number:     M653
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1860," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 26 July 2012), Lenora Hickox, , Fulton, Ohio.
4    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, Washington, Pierce County, Roll 1748 Book 1, Page 167a, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440.
5    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 28 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""United States Census, 1880," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Lenora Joyce in household of Charles Joyce, Houston, Harris, Texas." Name: Lenora Joyce
     Residence:          Houston, Harris, Texas
     Birthdate:           1860
     Birthplace:          Michigan, United States
     Relationship to Head:     Wife
     Spouse's Name:   Charles Joyce
     Spouse's Birthplace:       Ohio, United States
     Father's Name:   
     Father's Birthplace:        Michigan, United States
     Mother's Name:  
     Mother's Birthplace:       Michigan, United States
     Race or Color (Expanded):        White
     Ethnicity (Standardized):          American
     Gender:    Female
     Martial Status:    Married
     Age (Expanded): 20 years
     Occupation:        Keeping House
     NARA Film Number:         T9-1309
     Page:       68
     Page Character: D
     Entry Number:     280
     Film number:       1255309
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     SELF        Charles Joyce           M       26      Ohio, United States
     WIFE        Lenora Joyce F        20      Michigan, United States
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1880," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Lenora Joyce in household of Charles Joyce, Houston, Harris, Texas.
6    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900 United States Federal Census, 28 May 2012. ""United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), L M Joyce in household of C A Joyce, Puyallup city, Pierce, Washington." Name:       L M Joyce
     Titles & Terms:   
     Residence:          Puyallup city, Pierce, Washington
     Birth Date:          Nov 1862
     Birthplace:          Michigan
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Wife
     Spouse:    C A Joyce
     Spouse's Titles & Terms:         
     Spouse's Birthplace:       Ohio
     Father's Titles & Terms:
     Father's Birthplace:        Michigan
     Mother's Titles & Terms:          
     Mother's Birthplace:       Michigan
     Race or Color (expanded):        White
     Head-of-household Name:         C A Joyce
     Gender:    Female
     Marital Status:    Married
     Years Married:     21
     Estimated Marriage Year:          1879
     Mother How Many Children:      
     Number Living Children:  
     Immigration Year:         
     Enumeration District:      0157
     Page:       1
     Sheet Letter:      B
     Family Number:    24
     Reference Number:        92
     Film Number:       1241748
     Image Number:    00338
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     Self         C A Joyce      M                 Ohio
     Wife         L M Joyce      F                  Michigan
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), L M Joyce in household of C A Joyce, Puyallup city, Pierce, Washington.
7    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 28 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles A Joyce, York, Sandusky, Ohio." Name:          Charles A Joyce
     Birthplace:          Ohio
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Self
     Residence:          York, Sandusky, Ohio
     Marital Status:    Married
     Race :      White
     Gender:    Male
     Immigration Year:         
     Father's Birthplace:        Pennsylvania
     Mother's Birthplace:       England
     Family Number:    132
     Page Number:      6
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     SELF        Charles A Joyce        M       56y     Ohio
     WIFE        Leana M Joyce         F        47y     Michigan
     SON         Willis L Joyce M       7y      Washington
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles A Joyce, York, Sandusky, Ohio.
8    Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1930 United States Federal Census (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. name:          Leonore Joyce
     event:      Census
     event date:        1930
     event place:       Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas
     gender:    Female
     age:        68
     marital status:     Widowed
     race:       White
     birthplace:          Michigan
     estimated birth year:      1862
     immigration year:
     relationship to head of household:        Sister-in-law
     father's birthplace:        United States
     mother's birthplace:       Germany
     enumeration district number:     48
     family number:     555
     sheet number and letter: 19B
     line number:        52
     nara publication:  T626, roll 720
     film number:        2340455
     digital folder number:      4584476
     image number:     00546
          Household      Gender Age
     Charles Knight     M       64
     Lily Knight F        63
           Leonore Joyce         F        68
     Ward 2, Wichita City, Pg. 270 line 50 - 53   Household 466-555

9      Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995 (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 1 Feb 2014, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 01 Feb 2014), Charles A. Joice and Lenora M. Hickox, 25 Aug 1878." Name:     Charles A. JoiceBirth Date:Birthplace:Age:Spouse's Name:          Lenora M. HickoxSpouse's Birth Date:Spouse's Birthplace:Spouse's Age:Event Date:    25 Aug 1878Event Place:     Morenci, Lenawee, MichiganFather's Name:Mother's Name:Spouse's Father's Name:Spouse's Mother's Name:Race:Marital Status:Previous Wife's Name:Spouse's Race:Spouse's Marital Status:Spouse's Previous Husband's Name:Indexing Project (Batch) Number:     M01727-9System Origin:      Michigan-ODMGS Film number:    2342463Reference ID:Citing this Record:"Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 01 Feb 2014), Charles A. Joice and Lenora M. Hickox, 25 Aug 1878.
10   Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census.
11   Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925 (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 2 Jun 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 June 2012), Lenora M. Hickox, 1878." Groom's Name:     Charles A. Joice
     Groom's Race:    
     Groom's Age:       24 years
     Groom's Birth Date:        1854
     Groom's Birthplace:        Cleveland, Ohio
     Bride's Name:      Lenora M. Hickox
     Bride's Race:      
     Bride's Age:        18 years
     Bride's Birth Date:          1860
     Bride's Birthplace:          Morenci, Mich.
     Marriage Type:   
     Marriage Date:    25 Aug 1878
     Marriage Place:    Morenci, Lenawee, Michigan
     Groom's Father:  
     Groom's Mother:
     Bride's Father:    
     Bride's Mother:   
     Groom's Marital Status:  
     Groom's Previous Wife:  
     Bride's Marital Status:   
     Bride's Previous Husband:        
     Film Number:       2342463
     Frame Number:   
     Digital Folder Number:     4207597
     Image Number:    381
     Reference Number:        v 2 p 212 rn 923
     Source Citation
     "Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2 June 2012), Lenora M. Hickox, 1878.
12   Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Louisiana, Deaths Index, 1850-1875, 1894-1956 (Compiled by: Family History Library; FamilySearch; (, 28 May 2012, Family History Library, 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3440. ""Louisiana, Deaths Index, 1850-1875, 1894-1956," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles Joyce, 1927." Name:    Charles Joyce
     Death Date:        24 Jan 1927
     Death Place:       Covington, , St. Tammany, Louisiana
     Gender:    Male
     Race (original):    W
     Race (standardized):      White
     Age:        73
     Estimated Birth Year:     1854
     Birth Place:         Cleveland, Ohio
     Marital Status:    Married
     Spouse's Name:   Leonora L Hickox
     Father's Name:    Daniel B Joyce
     Mother's Name:   Ester Hutchinson
     Film number:       2381527
     Image Number:    01985
     Certificate Number:        1011
     Digital Folder Number:     4219320
     Source Citation
     "Louisiana, Deaths Index, 1850-1875, 1894-1956," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles Joyce, 1927.
13   Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States Federal Census, 28 May 2012. ""United States Census, 1880," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles Joyce, Houston, Harris, Texas." Name:   Charles Joyce
     Residence:          Houston, Harris, Texas
     Birthdate:           1854
     Birthplace:          Ohio, United States
     Relationship to Head:     Self
     Spouse's Name:   Lenora Joyce
     Spouse's Birthplace:       Michigan, United States
     Father's Name:   
     Father's Birthplace:        Ohio, United States
     Mother's Name:  
     Mother's Birthplace:       Ohio, United States
     Race or Color (Expanded):        White
     Ethnicity (Standardized):          American
     Gender:    Male
     Martial Status:    Married
     Age (Expanded): 26 years
     Occupation:        R.R. Conducter
     NARA Film Number:         T9-1309
     Page:       68
     Page Character: D
     Entry Number:     279
     Film number:       1255309
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     SELF        Charles Joyce           M       26      Ohio, United States
     WIFE        Lenora Joyce F        20      Michigan, United States
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1880," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), Charles Joyce, Houston, Harris, Texas.
14   Compiled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1900 United States Federal Census, 28 May 2012. ""United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), C A Joyce, Puyallup city, Pierce, Washington." Name:      C A Joyce
     Titles & Terms:   
     Residence:          Puyallup city, Pierce, Washington
     Birth Date:          Jul 1854
     Birthplace:          Ohio
     Relationship to Head of Household:       Self
     Spouse:    L M Joyce
     Spouse's Titles & Terms:         
     Spouse's Birthplace:       Michigan
     Father's Titles & Terms:
     Father's Birthplace:        Connecticut
     Mother's Titles & Terms:          
     Mother's Birthplace:       Ohio
     Race or Color (expanded):        White
     Head-of-household Name:         C A Joyce
     Gender:    Male
     Marital Status:    Married
     Years Married:     21
     Estimated Marriage Year:          1879
     Mother How Many Children:      
     Number Living Children:  
     Immigration Year:         
     Enumeration District:      0157
     Page:       1
     Sheet Letter:      B
     Family Number:    24
     Reference Number:        91
     Film Number:       1241748
     Image Number:    00338
          Household      Gender          Age     Birthplace
     Self         C A Joyce      M                 Ohio
     Wife         L M Joyce      F                  Michigan
     Source Citation
     "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 28 May 2012), C A Joyce, Puyallup city, Pierce, Washington.